The target audience for our piece will be aimed at working class women aged 18-40 typically the category which the BBFC would class our OTS as would more than likely be 12A or a 15.
Audience Theory;
Demographics- National Readership Survey
This technique is used to study groups of people, this is a good technique to develop an outlook of the audience for the film. Typical for film noir and neo noir would be a D-B in the National Class Data. The audience for our OTS will probably fit in the C-D category on the BBFC National Class Data.
Mode of Address;
This technique is used to choose how the media product effects and talks to the audience. Typically within a film noir or a neo noir the mode of address is to be aware of women and to not get involved with women who are dangerous AKA the femme fatal. Our mode of address for our OTS will be a mixture of threatening, intimidating and surprising.
Audience Posting;
This technique within the film industry is used to tell the audience what characters the producers want them to support and hate. For our piece we want the audience to empathise with our female characters Thelma and Louise.
Effects Models;
This technique is used to categorise an audience and whether that audience will be suitable for and enjoy the film. Hypodermic syringe is when the audience knows whats happening and just laps up the story and what's going on. Two Step Flow is when someone sees a film and then tells a friend in which that friend tells a friend about the film. JUses and Gratifications is when they accept the film and what it is about and will see it for its typical conventions. Reception Theory is when the audience are unaware of the main concept of a film but take it in due to cultural and religious experience backgrounds. Obstinate Audience Theory is where the audience become so in-tuned with the piece there opinions begin to develop the show.
Audience Decoding;
This is used and has categorised how audiences perceive actions and how it is interpreted within reality and the film.The types of audience are dominant hegemonic which is how society works and thinks in the present, today. We are going for a realistic approach with a horrifying twist, two females that seem innocent but are actually deadly and a threat to society. So in theory we are aiming for dominant hegemonic feel to our OTS.
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